I design and deliver practical, interactive transformation and training programs to make CxOs, entrepreneurs, and their teams cross-functional and future-proof.

Modern leadership, collaboration, and communication are the components of effective high-performance organizations and teams.

Using systemic tools, serious games, and the expertise of Dutch 'Figure Shit Out' artists, I lead the way. All trainings and workshops are available both virtually and on-site.

Signature trainings

Mandates Matrix
  • Co-creating a form of leadership where the leader sets the rules, but the team has a say in the decisions.
  • Determining and distributing decision-making rights across the entire team.
  • Aligning expectations and responsibilities between the leader and the team.
  • Responding quickly and future-proof to the market as a result of the newly formed dynamics.
Team Kickoff
  • Promoting new forms of collaboration, team dynamics, and team cohesion.
  • Balancing the giving and taking of autonomy and ownership, including self-organization and self-direction.
  • Implementing coaching leadership.
  • Leveraging cross-functionality within teams.
  • Sharpening goals, expectations, and approach, and creating a shared vision for the project.

Other trainings and workshops

Leadership Through the Lens of Power
Leiderschap door de lens van macht
  • Discovering and developing your true leadership style, one that is recognized by your team.
  • Becoming an effective leader in a world of significant power shifts.
  • Creating a future-proof team focused on scalability and growth.
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Team transformation journey
Team transformatie journey
  • Creating a swift and future-proof team that collaborates across departments and domains.
  • Exploring the new paradigm of power.
  • Ensuring that every team member feels heard and seen.
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Working successfully with Gen-Z and Gen-Y
Succesvol werken met Gen-Z en Gen-Y
  • Assembling a new 'Generation Mix' within your organization.
  • Fully capitalizing on the unprecedented qualities of the younger generations.
  • Creating a dynamic team that connects and aligns your organization with the market.
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Strategic decision-making
Strategische besluitvorming
  • Learning to take a systemic view of complex problems.
  • Utilizing modern process tools to solve strategic, product and organizational problems.
  • Discovering the value of combining critical and strategic thinking.
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Transform into a 360 team
Transformeer naar een 360 team
  • Creating a quick and agile team capable of responding in real-time in a complex market.
  • Bringing together different silos for optimal results.
  • Leveraging the qualities of all individual team members.
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Diversity, Inclusion, and Unconscious Bias
Diversiteit, Inclusie en Unconscious Bias
  • Unconscious biases
  • Power and ranking
  • From diversity to inclusion
  • Practical applications
  • Team and leadership transformation through active engagement of all ranks within your team
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Bespoke trainings and workshops

In addition to the above training programs, I am also available for consulting and am eager to assist in designing custom-made trainings tailored specifically to meet the unique goals and needs of your organization. I specialize in developing bespoke training sessions on a variety of topics.